Nick recounts his memories of working with The Darkness at Rockfield studios before moving...
Episode 2 follows Nick's story and we discuss some of the other memorable sessions he...
The final part of this story sees Nick return to Wales and continue working in Rockfield Studios...
In this first episode of the podcast Jon and Nick talk about Nick's early years starting out as...
One day the waves plugin sale will end………... on that same day, satan will be...
I’ve been a user of the SSL sigma now for over 2/3 years. In that time I’ve mixed and...
If you've ever asked yourself "what's the difference between Pro Tools Ultimate and the standard...
I made this video in response to a question I received on instagram regarding...
When the coronavirus took hold, live music was one of the areas hardest hit by the pandemic....
For a while I've needed a simple setup to record some videos at home as driving back and forth...
I recently got an SSL UF8 and have been using it solidly for the past few months. This video...
Pro Tools announced a new update to Pro Tools, I had dived in and had a look at what had been...